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The performance of convolutional neural networks (CNN) for computer vision problems depends heavily on their architectures. Transfer learning performance of a CNN strongly relies on selection of its trainable layers. Selecting the most effective update layers for a certain target dataset often requires expert knowledge on CNN architecture which many practitioners do not possess. General users prefer to use an available architecture (e.g. GoogleNet, ResNet, EfficientNet etc.) that is developed by domain experts. With the ever-growing number of layers, it is increasingly becoming difficult and cumbersome to handpick the update layers. Therefore, in this paper we explore the application of a genetic algorithm to mitigate this problem. The convolutional layers of popular pre-trained networks are often grouped into modules that constitute their building blocks. We devise a genetic algorithm to select blocks of layers for updating the parameters. By experimenting with EfficientNetB0 pre-trained on ImageNet and using three popular image datasets - namely Food-101, CIFAR-100 and MangoLeafBD - as target datasets, we show that our algorithm yields similar or better results than the baseline in terms of accuracy, and requires lower training and evaluation time due to learning a smaller number of parameters. We also devise a measure called block importance to measure each block's efficacy as an update block and analyze the importance of the blocks selected by our algorithm.
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- Afsana Mimi, Sayeda Fatema Tuj Zohura, Muhammad Ibrahim, Riddho Ridwanul Haque, Omar Farrok, Taskeed Jabid, Md Sawkat Ali, Identifying selected diseases of leaves using deep learning and transfer learning models , Machine Graphics and Vision: Vol. 32 No. 1 (2023)