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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published.
  • The paper has not been submitted and will not be submitted during the submission process in MG&V to another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or PDF document file format.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except for URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text in the appropriate locations, rather than at the end.
  • The quality of images and diagrams is suitable for the expected final publication. The images and diagrams are source versions as originally generated, not copied from the screen, scanned or otherwise acquired copies of reduced quality. In particular, they have neither compression nor resizing artefacts, like the artefacts resulting from dithering.
  • Where available, DOIs or URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • You have read and you agree to observe the "Author Guidelines", inlcuding the "Preparation of the final version" from the "Submissions" section, and the "Technical Requirements for Preparing a Paper", available in the "Author Panel", when preparing the final version of your paper, should it be accepted for publication.
  • You have considered submitting a list (not too short) of potential reviewers, and a list (not too long) of persons which you would like to avoid as reviewers. The lists can be submitted in the window "Comments for the Editor" or as a separate file.

Submission of manuscripts

Submission of a paper for publication in MG&V is taken to imply that the paper was not previously published, and neither has been or is being submitted for publication elsewhere. In addition, it is also taken to imply that permission for publication, if needed, has been granted by the appropriate sources. If the manuscript contains any copyrighted material, the task of obtaining the necessary permissions from the copyright owner(s) is the author(s)'s responsibility. In particular, the images and diagrams having the origin in copyrighted sources will not be published without these permissions.

See also the section on Publication ethics.

No short communications are accepted, as MG&V publishes full papers only.

The author actually submitting the manuscript must enclose a note (cover letter; it can be submitted in the window "Comments for the Editor" or as a separate file) saying that the paper is submitted together with the listed co-authors. Such note is taken to imply that the submitting author has obtained their consent for submitting the paper. One of the authors (e.g., the submitting one) should be indicated as the contact person. Otherwise, all correspondence will be sent to the author who sent the submission or in case of ambiguity to the author listed as the first one.

We encourage the Authors to prepare a list (not too short) of potential reviewers and a list (not too long) of persons which you would like to avoid as reviewers. These lists can be submitted in the window "Comments for the Editor" together with the cover letter, or as a separate file.

The language of the journal is English. The British or American English must be used consequently in a single paper.

The papers should be submitted in one of commonly used file formats (PDF, DOC, DOCX, ODT), with the use of the web service of the Journal.

It should be noted that for the submission of a paper for consideration, the LaTeX format, required for the final publication, is not yet necessary (however, it is acceptable, and even advisable; see the following subsections and the subsection on Version for review in the section on Technical Requirements for Preparing a Paper).

Preparation of manuscripts

The layout of the text should contain sufficient spacing and margins. Figures and photos should be included in the text. Colour figures are admissible, provided that colour is essential for the presentation. The quality of images and diagrams at the stage of submission should be suitable for the expected final publication. The images and diagrams should be source versions as originally generated, not copied from the screen, scanned or otherwise acquired copies of reduced quality. In particular, they should exhibit neither compression nor resizing artefacts, like the artefacts resulting from dithering. 

The number of pages is limited to 25. The Editorial Office may relax this limit in justified cases.

The paper's title, the authors' names, affiliations and addresses, as well as possible thanks and information about funding, should be placed in a separate document (they can be given in the cover letter), and the text proper should not contain any such elements in page headers or footers. The paper submitted for consideration should be free from the information about its Author(s). This is the condition for keeping the double-blindness of the refereeing process (if the Author(s) fail to keep this condition we can anoymize their paper for them, but this makes the process longer, unnecessarily). All the necessary information on the Author(s) as well as other additional elements will be added to the paper's final version following its acceptance.


At present, we do not charge for the publication. The Article Processing Charges (APC) are zero.

Refereeing process

All papers will be evaluated by one of the Editors, and refereed by at least two specialists in the given area. The refereeing process ensures anonymity of both referees and authors. Suitability for publication will be judged on the basis of the paper's relevance to the overall aims and scope of MG&V, as well as its quality: originality, technical quality, importance and readability. See also the section on Publication ethics.

Acceptance for publication

The authors are informed about the evaluation results and the Editors' decision by e-mail. The acceptance is conditional on fulfilling further requirements concerning preparation of the final version.

The conditionality of the acceptance for publication means that, after the paper is substantively accepted in the review process, it will be published if the Authors fulfil the Technical Requirements for Preparing a Paper.

Preparation of the final version

The authors informed about the conditional acceptance are asked to submit the final version of the paper prepared in LaTeX according to the instructions provided in the section on Technical Requirements for Preparing a Paper.

The authors are encouraged to send their short scientific CVs and photographs (300*400 pixels at a minimum) together with the final version of the paper. Declinig to do so will be understood as that they do not wish to publish the above.

All the files are to be uploaded through the submission system of the Journal. In addition, the License Agreement should be uploaded. It is provided in the LaTeX package described in the Technical Requirements for Preparing a Paper. The Statement contains, among others, the conditions for publication and the confirmation that the paper has not been published elsewhere. It should be signed on paper, scanned and uploaded together with the set of files prepared for final publication.

Each paper undergoes a final correction of English to a limited extent. However, it is the authors' responsibility to make sure that each manuscript is written in clear, correct English. As written before, the British or American English must be used consequently in a single paper. In case of a low standard of the language, the paper will be sent back to the author(s) for correction, which will considerably delay its publication.

The Editorial Office reserves the right to introduce certain changes aimed at preserving a uniform style of the journal's contents.

Published MG&V issue

The list of contents of the issue with abstracts and contents of all papers is placed on the MG&V website. The papers are published as open access. At present, there is no fee for the publication. See also the Accepted Papers Online policy.