Machine GRAPHICS & VISION  is a refereed international journal, published quarterly by the Institute of Information Technology of the Warsaw University of Life SciencesSGGW, in cooperation with the Association for Image Processing, Poland – TPO. MG&V has been published since 1992.

Machine GRAPHICS & VISION  provides a scientific exchange forum and an authoritative source of information in the field of, in general, pictorial information exchange between computers and their environment, including applications of visual and graphical computer systems.

Until June 2013 the Journal has been published by the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The journal concentrates on theoretical and practical aspects of innovative computational models underlying computer generated, analysed, or otherwise processed imagery, in particular:

  • image processing
  • scene analysis, modeling, and understanding
  • machine vision
  • pattern recognition
  • image synthesis, including three-dimensional imaging and solid modeling
  • computer-aided graphic arts and animation
  • mathematical approaches to image processing, analysis, and synthesis
  • computational geometry
  • image models and transforms
  • visualization and graphical data presentation
  • diagrammatic knowledge representation and reasoning
  • monocular and stereo vision
  • modeling of human visual perception
  • software and hardware image processing
  • innovative uses of various graphic and vision devices and systems

Papers on innovative solutions as well as on practical applications of new theories are solicited.

The journal publishes:

  • original research papers
  • tutorial papers
  • state-of-the-art surveys
  • reports on work in progress
  • research direction proposals
  • reports on published books and on defended Ph.D. and D.Sc. theses

Machine GRAPHICS & Vision accepts and applies the rules of publication ethics according to the Best Practice Guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Since 2012 the issues are available according to the Open Access policy.

The papers which have already been accepted for publication in the review process and their contents is fixed are published online immediately within the Accepted Papers Online policy. Such papers are published before the full number is closed. They are already ascribed to the volumes and numbers, and the page numbering and DOI is known, so the full bibliographic data are fixed and can be readily used for reference.