Machine vision for automated maturity grading of oil palm fruits: A systematic review

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Afsar Kamal
Nur Diyana Kamarudin
Khairol Amali Bin Ahmad
Syarifah Bahiyah Rahayu
Mohd Rizal Mohd Isa
Siti Noormiza Makhtar
Zulkifli Yaakub

Keywords : machine Learning, deep Learning, CNN, feature extraction, Computer Vision, maturity grading

The maturity of oil palm fruits is a very crucial factor for oil extraction industry in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and other countries to ensure the oil quality and increase productivity. This literature review examines the various machine learning techniques, especially the deep learning techniques used to automate the maturity grading process of oil palm fresh fruit bunches. The crucial advantages of using machine learning approaches were highlighted, and the limitations and prospects of each research article were discussed. This review describes the various image pre-processing techniques utilized to prepare images for model training. CNN is identified as the dominant over all classification techniques of machine learning to classify the oil palm fruits images based on maturity level, due to its ability of learning complex features.

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Kamal, A., Kamarudin, N. D., Bin Ahmad, K. A., Rahayu, S. B., Mohd Isa, M. R., Makhtar, S. N., & Yaakub, Z. (2024). Machine vision for automated maturity grading of oil palm fruits: A systematic review. Machine Graphics and Vision, 33(2), 47–75.

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