Enhanced U-Net model for accurate aerial road segmentation

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Rayene Doghmane
Karima Boukari

Keywords : image analysis, image recognition, normalization techniques, batch group normalization, Image processing; Convolutional neural network; Semantic segmentation; Global one-dimensional pooling, BGN-UNet, aerial road detection

In computer vision, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have become a foundation for image analysis. They excel in tasks such as object recognition, classification, and more, semantic segmentation. In order to achieve better accuracy, it is crucial to apply normalization techniques to the network for enhancing overall performance. This paper introduces an innovative approach that incorporates Batch Group Normalization (BGN) into the popular U-Net for binary semantic segmentation, with a particular focus on aerial road detection. Our research primarily focuses on evaluating the BGN-UNet's performance compared to traditional normalization techniques, such as Batch Normalization (BN) and Group Normalization (GN). With a batch size of 2, the U-Net model enhanced with Batch Group Normalization (BGN-UNet) achieves a remarkable Mean IoU of 98.4% in aerial road segmentation, demonstrating its superior accuracy in this task.

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How to Cite
Doghmane, R., & Boukari, K. (2024). Enhanced U-Net model for accurate aerial road segmentation. Machine Graphics and Vision, 33(3/4), 71–96. https://doi.org/10.22630/MGV.2024.33.3.4

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