Applied inverse kinematics for bipedal characters moving on the diverse terrain

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Łukasz Burdka
Paweł Rohleder

Keywords : inverse kinematics, animations, visual improvements, physics, game systems
A solution to the problem of adjusting the pose of an animated video game character to the diverse terrain and surroundings is proposed. It is an important task in every modern video game where there is a~focus on animated characters. Not addressing this issue leads to major visual glitches such as legs hovering above the ground surface, or penetrating the obstacles while moving. As presented in this work, the described problem can be effectively solved by examining the surroundings in real-time and applying Inverse Kinematics (IK) as a~procedural post process to the currently used animation.

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How to Cite
Burdka, Ł., & Rohleder, P. (2017). Applied inverse kinematics for bipedal characters moving on the diverse terrain. Machine Graphics and Vision, 26(1/4), 3–11.

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