Dynamic Path Planning with Regular Triangulations

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Petr Brož
Ivana Kolingerová
Jakub Szkandera
Michal Zemek

Keywords : path planning, path finding, motion planning, virtual reality, robotics, proteins, suboptimality, gaps filling
Path planning is a well known problem that has been extensively studied in many scientific disciplines. In general, it defines a task of finding a path between two given spots in an abstract environment so that the path satisfies certain criterion of optimality. Although there are many methods solving this objective, they usually assume the examined space does not change in runtime. Modern applications, however, do not have to meet these requirements, especially in case of virtual reality or computer games. Therefore, we propose a general model for real-time path planning in dynamic environment where the obstacles can nondeterministically appear, disappear, change the position, orientation or even shape. The model uses a triangulation for dynamic space subdivision among bounding spheres of the obstacles and a heuristic algorithm to repair an already found path after any change of the scene. The presented solution is the first one using regular triangulation. At the price of the suboptimal result, it provides an efficient and fast way to plan a path with the maximal clearance among the moving and changing obstacles. In comparison to raster based techniques and methods using the Delaunay triangulation (Voronoi diagram), it requires less time to preprocess and generates paths with a larger clearance.

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How to Cite
Brož, P., Kolingerová, I., Szkandera, J., & Zemek, M. (2014). Dynamic Path Planning with Regular Triangulations. Machine Graphics and Vision, 23(3/4), 119–142. https://doi.org/10.22630/MGV.2014.23.3.6

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