Semantic segmentation of diseases in mushrooms using Enhanced Random Forest

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Rakesh Kumar Yacharam
V. Chandra Sekhar

Keywords : Mushroom diseases, Semantic Segmentation, Computer aided, Machine Learning, significant feature extraction, Random Forest classifier

Mushrooms are a rich source of antioxidants and nutritional values. Edible mushrooms, however, are susceptible to various diseases such as dry bubble, wet bubble, cobweb, bacterial blotches, and mites. Farmers face significant production losses due to these diseases affecting mushrooms. The manual detection of these diseases relies on expertise, knowledge of diseases, and human effort. Therefore, there is a need for computer-aided methods, which serve as optimal substitutes for detecting and segmenting diseases. In this paper, we propose a semantic segmentation approach based on the Random Forest machine learning technique for the detection and segmentation of mushroom diseases. Our focus lies in extracting a combination of different features, including Gabor, Bouda, Kayyali, Gaussian, Canny edge, Roberts, Sobel, Scharr, Prewitt, Median, and Variance. We employ constant mean-variance thresholding and the Pearson correlation coefficient to extract significant features, aiming to enhance computational speed and reduce complexity in training the Random Forest classifier. Our results indicate that semantic segmentation based on Random Forest outperforms other methods such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naïve Bayes, K-means, and Region of Interest in terms of accuracy. Additionally, it exhibits superior precision, recall, and F1 score compared to SVM. It is worth noting that deep learning-based semantic segmentation methods were not considered due to the limited availability of diseased mushroom images.

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How to Cite
Yacharam, R. K., & Chandra Sekhar, V. (2023). Semantic segmentation of diseases in mushrooms using Enhanced Random Forest. Machine Graphics and Vision, 32(2), 129–146.

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Forest Mushroom Research Center (FMRC), Seoul, Korea (South).


Mushroom World.



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