Iris recognition based on local grey extremum values with CNN-based approaches

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Kamil Malinowski
Khalid Saeed


One of the most important steps in the operation of biometric systems based on iris recognition of the human eye is pattern comparison. However, the comparison of the recorded pattern with the pattern stored in the database of the biometric system cannot function properly without effective extraction of key features from the iris image. In the presented work, we propose an iris recognition system based on image feature extraction and extreme grey shade analysis. Harris-Laplace, RANSAC and SIFT descriptor algorithms were used to find and describe key points. In the experimental part, two methods were used to compare descriptors: the Brute Force method and the Siamese Network method. IIT Delhi Iris Database (version 1.0), MMU v2 database, UBIRIS v1, UBIRIS v2 image databases were used for the study. The proposed method utilizes a different approach when using the generalized corner extraction algorithm (Harris-Laplace algorithms) for comparing iris patterns. In addition, we prove that the use of the descriptor and the Siamese neural networks significantly improves the results obtained in the original method based on paths alone in the case of well contrasted infrared images with very low resolutions.

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How to Cite
Malinowski, K., & Saeed, K. (2023). Iris recognition based on local grey extremum values with CNN-based approaches. Machine Graphics and Vision, 32(3/4), 205–232.
Author Biographies

Kamil Malinowski, Faculty of Computer Science; Bialystok University of Technology; Białystok; Poland

Kamil Malinowski is a PhD student in Computer Science at Bialystok University of Technology. His research focuses on bi-modal biometric systems, where he explores the intersection of computer science and biometrics. With a strong background in both theory and practice, is well-versed in various aspects of biometric data acquisition, image processing, signal processing, biometric feature matching algorithms, performance evaluation of biometric systems, as well as privacy and security concerns related to biometric data. Aside from his academic pursuits, also actively contributes to the field of cybersecurity. He works as a trainer at Altkom Akademia, where he shares his expertise in attack protection, risk management, monitoring, detection, and response to cyber threats. His practical experience in the industry allows him to provide valuable insights and knowledge to trainees, equipping them with the necessary skills to safeguard against cyber threats on a daily basis.

Khalid Saeed, Faculty of Computer Science; Bialystok University of Technology; Białystok; Poland

Dr. Khalid Saeed is a full Professor of Computer Science at Bialystok University of Technologyand a half-time visiting professor at Universidad de La Costa, Barranquilla, Colombia. He was with Warsaw University of Technologyin 2014-2019 and with AGH Krakow in 2008-2014. He received his BSc Degree from Baghdad University in 1976, MSc and PhD (distinguished) Degrees from Wroclaw University of Technology in Poland in 1978 and 1981, respectively. He received his DSc Degree (Habilitation) in Computer Science from the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw in 2007. He was nominated by the President of Poland for the title of Professor in 2014. He has published more than 250 publications including about 120 journal papers and book chapters, about 100 peer reviewed conference papers, edited 50 books, journals and Conference Proceedings, written 13 text and reference books (h-index 19 in WoS and 15 in SCOPUS base). He supervised more than 15 PhD and 150 MSc theses. He gave more than 50 invited lectures and keynotes in different universities in Europe, China, India, South Korea, Serbia, Germany, Japan, and Canada, on biometric image processing and analysis. He received more than 30 academic awards. He is also a member of more than 15 editorial boards of international journals and conferences. He was selected as the IEEE Distinguished Speaker, from 2011 to 2016. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Biometrics with Inderscience Publishers.


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