Visualization of nonlocality in coupled map lattices

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Maciej Janowicz
Joanna Kaleta
Arkadiusz Orłowski
Piotr Wrzeciono
Andrzej Zembrzuski

Keywords : coupled map lattices, nonlocality, density matrix, visualization
Numerical simulations of coupled map lattices with various degree of nonlocality have been performed. Quantitative characteristics of recently introduced for local coupling have been applied in the nonlocal case. It has been attempted to draw qualitative conclusions about nonlocality from the emerging pictures.

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Janowicz, M., Kaleta, J., Orłowski, A., Wrzeciono, P., & Zembrzuski, A. (2016). Visualization of nonlocality in coupled map lattices. Machine Graphics and Vision, 25(1/4), 13–25.

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