Acoustic carpets

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Maciej Janowicz
Joanna Kaleta
Piotr Wrzeciono
Andrzej Zembrzuski

Keywords : acoustics, Euler equations, split-operator method, visualization of physical fields
Initial-boundary value problem for linear acoustics has been solved in two spatial dimensions. It has been assumed that the initial acoustic field consists of two Gaussian distributions. Dirichlet boundary conditions with zero acoustic pressure at the boundaries have been imposed. The solution has been obtained with the help of a split-operator technique which resulted in a cellular automaton with uncountably many internal states. To visualize the results, the Python library matplotlib has been employed. It has been shown that attractive graphical output results in both the transient and stationary regimes. The visualization effects are similar to, but different from, the well-known quantum-mechanical carpets.

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How to Cite
Janowicz, M., Kaleta, J., Wrzeciono, P., & Zembrzuski, A. (2016). Acoustic carpets. Machine Graphics and Vision, 25(1/4), 3–12.

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